Grouping Tracking Terms

Kieran Black

by: Kieran Black

Grouping Keywords

Posted on 21/10/2015 in Web Application

Term Tracking Groups

Recently we have introduced a new facility to be able to group terms together into groups.

This gives us a greater degree of flexibility within the system allowing us to segregate results. Currently grouping allows you to define which search engines you wish to gather keyword position data from, assign an identifying colour and manage which term and keywords are to be associated to a group.

A term can be part of multiple groups, but data will be shared between groups if needed - avoiding extra lookups and saving on your data credits.

You can use groups to track the progress of a particular campaign, segregate your keyword data from another users or to provide a summary of the different parts of your business.

Further improvements and additions will be released shortly with the following in stages of development:

  • Summary of group performance
  • Comparison of groups
  • Overview of group data
  • Individual group reports

When adding a term to a group we have colour coded the filter results.

Adding a term to a term group

  • Green - A term already saved in this group
  • Amber - A term that has yet to be saved
  • Red - A new term that will be added to both the tracking list and the group