Exclude bookmarks in Site Scan

Kieran Black

by: Kieran Black

Ability to exclude bookmarked content

Posted on 12/03/2016 in Web Application

We have added a new setting within the site scanner to be able to exclude the bookmarked portion from a URL.

Bookmarks traditionally will focus the user to a specific spot on the page, more recently they can also be used as trigger points for responsive pages.

If the indexing system within the site scanner is set to include bookmarks then this could mean that the URL is processed again (this time with the bookmark appended to the end) and duplicate content is flagged.

We have taken the step as to add this as a configurable option so you can choose the right method for your site.

  1. Sites whose content is dynamic, this option should be enabled.
  2. Sites whose content is static and the bookmark instead draws the users focus, this option should be disabled.

The default behaviour is enabled.